Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This morning, I woke up and wanted to write about my family.

No matter what happen in your life...whenever you look back at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses!
*I don't care how poor a Man is; if he has family, he's rich :)

To me, my family is everything to me. I love my parents. I love my sisters. I love my brothers. They are the greatest gifts I ever have and thanks GOD for giving me a house with full of the people I love love- AMEN.

-My Mom was the most amazing woman in my life.(mom passed away 10 yrs ago) she was my best friend and she was my beautiful lady. She taugh me so much, how to be a good person and and have the respect for others. I will never forget the things she said to me.
Here is once of her most memorial words... "whatever they grow up to be,they are still ours children and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything that all except that they are ours children"
I love you Mom!!!

-My father too is my best friend, my idol and "A MAN" of ours home. He's strong but yet he's also a very caring person I have ever met. He never one asked me or any of my sibbling for anything in return. The only thing he asked of us is to love ours mom. Nevertheless, the only thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother...and he did it really well. Until today, he never re-married and very happy to be arround his own family. PRAVO DAD, great job. I love you as much as I love mom.

*I can go on and on about my sisters and brother...but lets just say, they are my blood my soul and they mean the world to me. Without them, I will not be a person i am today. Thanks guys. thanks for took care of me and thanks for always being there.


Monday, August 23, 2010


Sometimes, you have to forgive and forget... cos every passing moment is a chance to to turn it all around, and to feel again...and yet, it's hard to take chances but it's better if you DO.
Tomorrow isn't a promise...it's a chance.

No matter who you are? or how strong you are... It's okay to get hurt because only then, you learn and you grow from it!
I, myself, I rather do something and find out that it was the wrong thing, than ever know if it was the right thing...
I have had been in-love. I loved him so much that I couldn't let him go...He was my love, my hate, my heartache, my everything; but at the end I did let him go...cos sometimes, on the way to a dream, you get lost and find a better one-
By saying that, I mean sometimes a person you thought you knew...start becoming the stranger you never wanted... but life must goes on.
All of the above, life is full of surprises...but you have to open them hoping for the very BEST.

Take care of yourself. Give yourself a chance and don't be afraid of a change...


About Me

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new york, ny, United States
“I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, but I also know to have a friend is to be one"