Friday, January 18, 2013


August 06 2012... we met... on facebook.

  • Conversation started August 6, 2012
  • Fred Johns

    Hey -
    I see we have a few mutual friends, but have we met?
    • Hai-Ree Tieu

      no we never met. just thought u r a cool guy lol
      I'm Hai, nice to meet you lol.
      may i ask Ru gay?
      • Fred Johns

        I see - well maybe I'll see you around one day.
        The answer to your question is a secret 

         Week has passed and we decided to meet up and me- I like it longgggg timeeeee... 
      ... That first day we met; it was so lovely and easy.  Nevertheless, ours chemistry was amazing, we just clicked.  I didn't expect how nice and kind you were to me. the first date was really short but it was the nicest date i have had in a very long time...hahahaha... For that, thanks You- thank you for being part of my life- YOU ARE everything i wanted in a guy and NO LIE~ Maybe to to the world, you mean nothing; but to me~You mean the world.(remember that)...  

      "No matter what we do" 

         HoneyBooBoo, i will always have a place for you in my heart. However far away, I will always love you. However long you stay, I will always love you. Whatever words I say, I will always love you... Just remember, i am the company you want to keep LOL...

      Sunday, February 12, 2012

      LOVE & Everything In Between...!

      I don't understand why most people only think about romance on Valentine's Day...

      _Should it just be romantic 365 days of the year???

      *Rosemonde Gerard has once said ~"for you see, each day I love you more today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow."~For this quote alone- I think we all should celebrate LOVE every single day!!!

      _Nevertheless; to me, love doesn't hurt and love is not a loosing game. LOVE is a game that two can play and both win. PERIOD... Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each others but instead, looking outward together in the same direction.

      ***FYI- I don't really care about how people telling me that i am too easy to fall in love then break-up and got my heart broken~ WELL, I ratter have loved and lost than never have loved at all!!! Love is an important thing a person can and must have to be a better person physically and emotionally. WHY? - It's simply because Love cures people; both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. I do believe in some love lasts a lifetime and yet "true love" lasts FOREVER!!! :)

      _"Within you, I lose myself. Without you, I find myself wanting to be lost again."-Unknown

      To sum it all up~ I think What the world really needs is more LOVE~ and everyone of us needs to embrace it, appreciate it and celebrate it everyday of ours life...


      Friday, January 27, 2012

      ONCE~my OWN!

      Who doesn't like New York, they certainly have done nothing yet!!!

      I have been here for almost 20 years and I'm loving every second of it... NYC ROCK!

      I remember when I was 22 and my first apartment in Manhattan; it was the very first time I felt like I'm finally becoming independent and doing what I like.
      ...Yet, I was young n wanted to explore NYC on my own and to see and do the things that I couldn't when I was younger~ and guess what? Follow your honest convictions, and stay strong~ and that was the BEST thing I have ever done; moved to New York.

      Anyhow, back to my story; as a teen, I always wanted to live in the East Village when im older. WHY the EV? You may ask!!! Well, the EV is one of the most charming villages, friendly and full of energy(I love being around with such positive vibe) I finally have found my first studio on 13 street between 3rd and 4th Avenue- that was such a wonderful feeling because I have made it on my own.
      **My fav thing there was having a cup of hot chocolate in the East Village at a hipster cafe where even the napkins are organic.**

      Two week after settled in my new studio, I began to hunt for jobs in order to survive and continue my dream!!!- Luckily, my sister called and asked if I want a job at a wholesale Diamond company- Hell yea!!!... I then went for an interview with the owner, got hire at a front desk(receptionist/shipping)
      Now, my life began to slowly getting where I wanted to be~ A nine to five kinda job and living it on my own~ FREEDOM is HAPPINESS and yet, I have found my happiness!!!
      ~ Before I even know, I have had make and became friend with so many great people in the wildest city of all. Nevertheless, out of those I adored and admired; I have yet met A one trueful friend whom I call"BFF" (I knew from the start that ours friendship will last forever) and YES, we are still BEST FRIEND! :D I LOVE YOU MR. Tan!!!
      ... What progress, you ask, have I made? I have begun to be a friend to myself only because I was surrounding by great, happy, successful and most of all, motivated friends~ I will never forget the day I started it on my own and the days spending with you all!!!

      TO BE CONT...

      Thursday, January 19, 2012

      MoRe WriTinG aGaiN...

      Wow, it been awhile...

      I haven't write much lately(relationship, family,work ect..)

      *Tonight, I am coming back!!! YES, im coming back for a lot more...because just like seaweed; even if you have pushed it away, you will not prevent it from coming back.

      To me, writing is HEAVEN. Writing is a knowledge; and the number one thing I am earnestly attracted to is intelligence...

      WHY do writers write?

      ...simply just because it isn't there. :)

      I write because because I have something to say- A need to create an alternative world; Forget all the rules, write for myselfe and celebrate it...

      ...Sometimes, i just close the door and write with no one looking over my shoulder. I don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from me- Instead, i figure out what I have to say!

      ~by saying that; it's not because i don't respect other's thoughts and opinions- It's only because my purpose is to entertain myself first and other people secondly.

      **My fav quote of all time**

      "Writing makes no noise, except groans, and it can be done everywhere, and it is done alone."

      ~Ursula K. LeGuin

      ... Hahaha so there you have it; I AM COMING BACK FOR MORE!!!

      Please enjoy and I will post some more real soon!

      Thank You:


      Saturday, January 29, 2011

      Who's good? Who's bad?

      As children, many of us were taught never to talk to strangers!!!

      For me, there are no my people and strangers, no bad people and good people. All people are equal for me...
      Who's my boyfriend? or my great ex-lovers? they WERE all strangers to me at first...

      I haven't lost faith in human nature and I haven't decided to be less compassionate to strangers.
      Know who you with is the best way of how i see a stranger to me... but yet "everyone is equal"
      ...I think, especially in our business we meet a lot of people, and sometimes you spend so much time being nice to strangers, and so, you know, keeping a clear head and just being nice to each other. And that's all the advice I can give.

      People say New Yorkers can't get along. Not true. Everyday, I saw New Yorkers, complete strangers, they hold door for each others, they say "thank you" to each others and they even sharing a cab ride...

      I am not saying that we have to completely trust strangers... just treat them equally.

      Nevertheless, sometimes... when I see a person like with disability and still be brave; it's such a wonderful motivation for me in life... for example: A few days ago, i saw a stranger with a leg Syndrome and couldn't walk normal. However, he was so well dress and the most styles young man i seen(from head to toe)... As he passed by and away...but i couldn't stop looking and i was admiring and adored him!!! :)))

      Just remember this- There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met.


      We so Far GONE...

      I didn't walk away because i don't need a friend...

      I was walking away because I was tired of fooling myself into thinking that what we had was something like a "friendship"... I got it all WRONG!

      I tried to give in, always was being honest and open...but little do i know It's a waste of my times. However, if all those words you said to me actually meant something, maybe we wouldn't be standing where we are today. I thought we were best friends and best friends are there for each others... up and down, happy times, sad times...Sorry but u didnt make me feel that way!

      Now i know the real you and who you are as a person-
      - A person I DO NOT want to grow old with.
      You are not a someone i wanna share my life with. You are just not a good friend material...and yet U R too protected nothing but yourself....

      ...Hate me or love me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart; but if you hate me, I'll always be on your mind. I always believe things happens for a reason. You are the reason i chose to be happy or at least not when im around you... God bless you. I don't hate you....your soul is yours. I know mine. :

      I don't regret that i met you. i don't regret what we did together... I just regret that it took me this long to realize you are not the one. :)

      Something has to change...

      Tuesday, November 23, 2010

      BREATHING again...

      just another ordinary boy.

      Many nights ago, I heard my own heart beating
      Sounded like footsteps on my stairs
      Six months gone and I was still reaching
      Even though I knew you were not there
      I was playing back a thousand memories…
      Thought about all the good and the bad
      Maybe I was going back too much of the time
      When I still had you

      I can honestly say…

      You were on my mind
      I looked at your photo all the time
      These memories came back to life
      And I didn’t mind
      Too many… like when we hugged & kissed
      I felt your arms and lips on my skin
      The time that we spoke for hours and never noticed that time passed !
      and all the simple things at home, at the markets, at the theaters ect…
      I remembered and I cried...
      But the one thing I wanted to do is
      the memories, I wanted to forget!

      I did I did, goodbye... cause I’m finally not hearing my heart beating for YOU, no more.

      P.S: it’s funny how when you finally get over someone, you start seeing them in a whole new perspective. It’s like you’re looking at them through the eyes of your best friend; & you realize; he’s nothing special. He’s just another ordinary boy.

      Tuesday, November 9, 2010

      SHOULD NOT matter

      These names: Gay, queer, homosexual... those were words that frightened me, but no more!

      Discovering i'm gay just sort of happened later in my late teen...being intimate with any woman never entered my mind, but i do believe that when you fall in love with somebody, you can't control that! and it does not matter or should not matters. It's a feeling, the feeling of wanted to love and be love; gay, straight or bi... we all human. period.

      We all know how difficult it is to come out as openly gay, whether to family or other loved ones. Many sad stories, including the "Teens-suicide and the bullying" I wish these gay-teens able to live old enough so they can be strong enough to know and see it for themselves that nothing wrong with being gay. When I was 17, it wasn't easy for me throght out my High School years. I was so afraid of attending the gym class. My classmates would call me names like "faggat", "homo" and sometimes, they just pushed me as if i was their toy in the locker room... I remember the feeling- like i wanted to die cos i thought i was weird, no one like me and did not know what to do. However, the only one thing i knew was to promise myself to be strong and at least I need to finish and get my H.S diplomat so one day I am able to go to college, meet new friends and I did. I gratugrated high school, went to Community college, met many friends, smart, happy and open minded people who understand me. I, now working at a very successful diamonds company as a Gemologist. I am not a millionare but i am so proud of myself and I know my family too is very proud of me. I am so happy that I didn't chose the dead end road. I wish i can bring those innocent teens who killed themselves, I want to bring them back to where I was 17, as young as them and as scared as them. I want to show them that sometimes in life, we must give ourselves a chance, a chance to live...a chance to be who you are, be with those who understand you and it will gets better.

      Nevertheless, these bullying need to STOP!!! We don't need to see another young innocent boy or girl broke into tears or perhalf to end his or her life for just being himself/herself. Together, we can do this, please, for all gay-teens out there, live happy and live OLD enough, be strong...It will gets BETTER.

      Wednesday, September 29, 2010

      Goodbye SummeR

      Summer has always been considered to be the most romantic of the four seasons. the clear skies, the blazing sun, the gentle summer breeze, the lazy afternoons...and of course, the warm passionate love...

      Goodbye summer, goodbye summer... the leaves fall and listen to the wind is rising and the air is wild with leaves...We have had ours summer evening, now for October eves!!!... I don't feel the "passionate warm" of summer any longer...could it be? could it be- because of the summer is over?

      I speak and I speak...and my lips feel cold

      Goodbye summer, Goodbye Summer...

      I wish you were here

      Miss you, my Summer Love


      About Me

      My photo
      new york, ny, United States
      “I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, but I also know to have a friend is to be one"