Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Sometimes, we all wonder if this's true!...
A good face is a letter of a recommendation?

Well, I say... it's NOT

ALWAYS but it's possible because beauty seem to captures people's attention 75% most of the time.
*I do believe that if eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being.*
_Nevertheless, i was born in south VietNam. Growing up, i always think WOMEN are the most beautiful thing on earth...
_However, ASIAN WOMEN are simply the most nature, beautiful women of all races because of the smoothness of their skins. Their bones strutured and most of all, the black silky of their hair.

beauty definition
beauty (byo̵̅o̅t′ē)
noun pl.
beauties -·ties
1-the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind, as by line, color, form, texture, proportion, rhythmic motion, tone, etc., or by behavior, attitude, etc.
2-a thing having this quality
3-good looks
4-a very good-looking woman
5-any very attractive feature

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new york, ny, United States
“I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, but I also know to have a friend is to be one"