To ME, The future ain't what it used to be, in a good way... Therefore, I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. And do not forget and we must realize if it weren't for Edison, we're still be watching TV by candlelight?
Generation after generation, technology has change our life because just to know that One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men...
Nevertheless, Robots take a major role of today's world!
***Robots To Replace Today's Human Companions?***
Toshiba just unveiled its new robot, ApriAttenda, which can talk with its owners as well as follow the owners around by recognizing their voice and/or appearance in a crowd of people. The robot, as per Toshiba, brings us closer to the times when machines (and ApriAttenda looks super cute!) will function as our “life support partners”, by caring for the elderly and babysitting the children.Consider: You don't need to take a robot for a walk in the park, or pick up his poop. You don't need to worry about leaving your robot alone when you go on a trip.
Seriously, so many people already are socializing through machines nowadays that I won't be surprised if some of them shut out the real world completely when robotic life support partners become available (and good enough). Lots of people spend hours writing their blogs and interacting with people in their online social networks -- people they'd never met and will never meet.
Robots could, potentially, displace even more real-world interaction. After all, unlike real people, cats and dogs, they will always be agreable, and they will never scratch or bite you
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